414 Web Solutions

Design & Development


Understanding the needs of our clients by becoming knowledgeable about their organization and through 1:1 sessions.

Planning & Execution

Thoughtful and goal driven planning and execution in partnership with our clients for optimum delivery and success.

Simplistic Design

Sleek and simplistic designs to highlight the attributes and character of our clients’ organizations for easy of use and access.

Heartfelt and Passionnate

Web Design & Development

At 414 Web Solutions, we work with our clients to understand their needs, develop an execution plan, and deliver a web solution that showcases the very best of their organization. We care about our clients’ success and we honor that approach to our partnership.

Abbas Hill, Chief Creative Officer


What We Offer

While our design firm is adaptable to our clients’ needs, we do provide the following services for targeted industries.

Education Web Design

We offer web design services for schools and educational institutions looking to organize and streamline communication.

Medical Web Design

We offer web design services for primary care physicians, dentists, government and private medical groups, and more.

Web Development

In addition our web design services, we also offer web development services to streamline business processes and services.

Start a New Project with 414 Web Solutions?

Contact Us for a free consultation and Service Project Quote!